Welcome To My Colorful World!

Welcome to my colorful world. I am a happy (most of the time!) wife, mom, MeMaw, artist, and art teacher. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I also love to create, cook, nest, decorate, entertain family and friends, laugh, collect vintage stuff, snuggle my cats and dog, play outdoors, and so much more! In addition to all this, I also publish an online magazine with my dear friend, called Mermaids of the Lake. Oh, and I love a big cup of coffee with cream, a dry martini, red wine, blingy jewelry, pink lipstick, blue fingernail polish. I love color! Beautiful colors inspire, motivate, and move me!!! What's my favorite color? I can't choose. I love them all! Yellow, pink, red, turquoise, blue, purple, orange, green and every variation in between!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Be Brave!

Are you afraid and your fear has made you paralyzed? Maybe there is something you need to face and fear is keeping you in denial. Do you have a dream of doing or being something more and fear is keeping you from making your dream come true? Whatever it is, I have found that it feels so much better, even darn right good, to face it and take that leap!!!! The risk is more than likely worth the reward!!!! Think of how good you will feel. No more excuses. JUST DO IT! Jump!
My mantra for today is: Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway! Be Brave! Just do it!

The jump is so frightening between where I am
and where I want to be.
Because of all I may become,
I will close my eyes and leap.
~Mary Anne Radmacher

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